Friday, May 11, 2012


Axis of Symmetry: A line that has a corresponding point for each point on the given curve
Discriminant: Expresion that determines some of the properties of an equation
Excluded Values: Values that are excluded or left out. They make the denominator become 0
Exponential Decay: A decrease that follows an exponential function
Exponential Growth: Growth whose rate becomes faster proportionate with the growing total number size
Extraneous Solution: A solution that represents a solution but does not satisfy the original equation

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Web-quest Questions

  1. Chistoff Rudolff invented the radical sign 
  2. Christoff lived in Jauer, Silesia
  3. The first real world parabola was the Conics. The Conics helped the Greeks see planets
  4. Pythagoras discovered the pythagorean theorem
  5. The reason for this was to introduce numbers
  6. Pythagoras invented it
  7. The earliest known people using fractions was the Egyptians
  8. A branch of mathematics that deals with measurement and the relationship between points, lines, angles and figures
  9. There are 34.5 x 10^8 books in the library of congress
  10. The map of the Starbucks is in the corner! (Green=boys, Red=Starbucks)

Real World Parabolas

  • The Intimidator was designed and built by Bolliger and Mabillard.
  •  The Intimidator is located in Charlotte, North Caroline at the Carowinds theme park. 
  • The Intimidator was finished with construction by 2010.
  • The Intimidator is made of steel.